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2021 trend forecast

In broad terms a trend describes “a general direction in which something is developing or changing” but it needs to be understood a little better than this if we are to make informed selections in our interiors.

Hands up who has seen “The Devil Wears Prada”? Remember the scene where Meryl Streep schools Anne Hathaway on her choice of blue sweater and how she ended up choosing that colour for her wardrobe? Yeah, me neither.

In a nut shell trends are on a sliding scale starting with cutting edge designers before being interpreted and interpreted by designers, retailers and suppliers alike. So by the time that pineapple lamps finds its way to let’s say KMart or The Block it has been interpreted hundreds of times to find itself on the mass market. I am not saying I don’t buy anything from KMart but I am saying it pays to be mindful of trends and what we are buying. Do we like it because we have subconsciously seen it everywhere and think we need it or do we genuinely love it and want to have that piece with us forever regardless of how often we see it? 

Trends can go in cycles of about 30 years or more because we essentially need the generation that first saw the trend to get far enough past it that they get rediscovered by the generation after. For example, terracotta tiles. I think a few of you will have a memory of a great aunt’s or grandmother’s laundry or kitchen. There is a high chance that if you were old enough to properly experience it you would not install wall to wall terracotta tiles in your new home. For those of us with only vague or no memories of these products we might see terracotta tiles as a fresh, new material selection. I have had husband and wife clients that were one from each camp… the husband had a very strong reaction of no to terracotta tiles whereas the wife loved them and thought they were great. We can’t change our experiences and therefore it is more about finding products that suit your background, aesthetic and budget.

So how do we work with trends?

As I said, I don’t follow trends for the sake of it but rather I am aware of them and make my choices accordingly. I think it’s important to make bigger decisions like hard finishes over time so we are not making rash decisions that we will regret in a few years. 

For example I think applying trends in a way that is easier to change like soft furnishings, paint etc means we can enjoy them, then potentially repurpose them when we get a little sick of them. 


I want to highlight what is current now, not because I think you should all race out and buy the latest and greatest but because I think by being aware of trends we make it easier to make decisions that will stay with us for a long time.

Colours - after spending a year “at home” I think there will be a move towards brighter choices of colour that make us feel good. There will be a move away from stark white and grey towards warmer neutrals that add a little depth to your space.

Patterns - Florals + gingham - interior trends often follow fashion and I am seeing a lot of florals and gingham patterns make their way into our wardrobes (I say this as I’m sitting in a navy and white gingham dress). So in the same vein as colours I think these bolder patterns will be seen together to create a brighter interior. (On that note I can’t help but mention the pattern pairing queen Anna Spiro who has been doing this for year).

Shop local - also in response to the year that has been I think campaigns like Buy From The Bush get behind local businesses and makers as we appreciate what is being created right here at home. This aligns with a shift away from the mass produced that has been happening over a longer period of time.

Sustainable design - we are becoming more and more conscious of our precious resources and we are constantly looking for new ways to incorporate this into our interior design. For example there have been developments in technology that have seen products like cork flooring make a resurgence.

What’s on it’s way out (use with caution)

Rattan - I will be the first to put my hand up and say how much I love rattan furniture and joinery. Unfortunately I think it’s been picked up one too many times by design blogs and publications and I’ve now even seen KMart has a rattan cabinet which is a fair indication its following a standard trend trajectory. 

Finger or kit kat tiles - Like most trends that end up here I also LOVE Japanese finger tiles. They are like baby subway tiles that give beautiful pattern and detail into a space. They are often glazed to give variation in colour that will give depth and interest to a space. 

What’s done it’s dash

Terrazzo - I would be very mindful about using terrazzo in a home nowadays. A few years ago I had my eye on a fabulous pink terrazzo, which isn’t it lucky I didn’t have a house at the time because it’s now hitting saturation on Pinterest, The Block and I have even seen a pair of pjs printed with terrazzo. 

Originally terrazzo was made from offcuts of stone set together in concrete making it a clever use of off cuts and a sustainable product in the areas it originated. However with the rise in popularity this same process isn’t necessarily being employed for all terrazzo tiles.

Terrazzo definitely still has it’s place in interiors but make sure you are selecting it because you truly love it and will be happy to look at it in 10-20 years time.

Things that are never going out of fashion

Personality - our homes should be a reflection of the people who live in them. If we can make the selections for our homes that are genuinely things you love, this will never go out of fashion. Having said that I know it can be hard to know “what goes together” or “where to start” to bring this personality out. 

I would encourage you to read more on finding your interior style here OR if you want to hash out a couple of ideas book in a FREE PHONE CALL with me and we can discuss where you are up to and give you some direction. 

HOMEEmily MacAlpineComment